All the activity aims to transform the initial creative idea into a finished product.

Promotion Group, once the most suitable construction has been defined, relies on various production centers belonging to it or with which it collaborates, distributed throughout the world and each with specific equipment and capacities.
For this reason, Promotion Group can guarantee an optimal production flow and terms of quality/price, as well as respect for the desired origin, with total transparency and perfectly traceable routing.
The goal is to produce the finished product best suited to the specific requirements of each customer.

To meet ever higher quality criteria and to obtain products that meet the demand of an excellent clientele, Promotion Group has production tools that meet the highest standards in the sector. Always leaning towards innovation, where production techniques, management systems and technology in general evolve rapidly, Promotion Group adopts solutions also coming from industrial sectors other than that of watchmaking, to be up to the challenges current.

Promotion Group has its own prototyping center to give its customers the possibility of carrying out a proof of concept (or POC: Proof Of Concept). The proof of concept is a study of the feasibility of the customer’s idea and provides proof that the future product will be able to meet the technical requirements defined at the start of the project. It is important to have a real understanding with the client, who can physically touch the result of a creative idea and judge its technical and commercial value.

To meet ever higher quality criteria and to obtain products that meet the demand of an excellent clientele, Promotion Group has production tools that meet the highest standards in the sector. Always leaning towards innovation, where production techniques, management systems and technology in general evolve rapidly, Promotion Group adopts solutions also coming from industrial sectors other than that of watchmaking, to be up to the challenges current.

Promotion Group’s Polishing department brings together all the tasks performed to polish certain parts that make up a watch. It is thanks to the daily work of our employees, which contributes to making the elements constituting the timepiece shine, that Promotion Group offers products with high finishes. There are several types of polishing: mirror polish, blocked polish or even black polish. All kinds of materials can be polished at Promotion Group. Thus, gold, silver, bronze, brass, platinum, sapphire crystal or stainless steel are polished. The work is carried out by polishing machines, even if for certain series and according to the customer’s request, certain collaborators continue the tradition of hand polishing for the watches.
The Promotion Group’s inspection department guarantees optimal assembly of all the components of a watch, in addition it carries out micromechanical operations on certain watch exterior parts such as pushers, driving in, complete assembly of bracelets, aesthetic finish.

From the beginning of the production of all the components until the assembly of the components, Promotion Group takes care of the total traceability. As soon as the customer has validated, we move on to the manufacturing phase, the quotes are approved and the final technical plans are confirmed. Orders are sent to the various production sites while respecting, for each stage, the quality requirements and delivery times. Promotion Group controls all the management, right down to the finished product. This thanks to its possibility of having, at any time, the updated situation of the progress of the production process.